Thursday, January 31, 2008

Unit 1: Ab Urbe Condita - The Culture of Rome through Foundation History/Myths

Now that the course has begun, here is a brief outline of the essential aspects of our first unit.

  • Essential Question: To what degree are history and mythology distinct?
  • Essential Understanding: The cultural values of a society can be understood by the myths it creates concerning its origins.
  • Essential Question: How does story reflect values of its time?
  • Essential Understanding: Stories often tell us more about the context in which they are written than their subject(s).

Text to be used: Virgil's Aeneid

Focus on History:

  • Foundation Myths
  • Religion
  • Vocabulary
  • Roman Kingdom

Focus on Composition:

  • Personal Myths (earliest memory)
  • Multi-event, multi-character,
    three act structure

Focus on Skills:

  • Reading - Identify evidence in accounts
  • Writing - Apply evidence in composition
  • Thinking - Evaluate evidence identified